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Landscape Renovations in San Diego County

For landscape renovations in San Diego County, Rosanio Landscaping is the best choice. As a family-owned business, we’ve transformed outdoor spaces with our creative and professional landscaping services. With our experienced team, we specialize in a variety of services, including irrigation system installation, planting, sod, landscape maintenance, tree trimming, and tree removal. Our comprehensive approach ensures every aspect of your outdoor space is cared for with attention to detail. Let us help you realize the full potential of your residential or commercial property by scheduling your consultation today.

Plants outside a nursery for sale in spring

The Benefits of Professional Landscape Renovation

Choosing Rosanio Landscaping for your landscape renovation project is an investment in quality and professionalism. We bring years of experience, a keen eye for design, and a commitment to customer satisfaction to every project we undertake. Our team will work with you closely, listening to your ideas and needs and providing expert advice on achieving your landscaping goals. We take the stress out of the renovation process, giving you more time to enjoy the beauty of your newly renovated outdoor space.

Our Landscaping Renovation Services

At Rosanio Landscaping, we offer a comprehensive range of landscaping renovation services. Here are just a few of our specialties:


From flowers and shrubs to trees and grasses, we'll help you select the right plants for your landscape and plant them with care.


Whether you're starting from scratch or replacing an existing lawn, we provide quality sod installation services.

Landscape Maintenance

We offer regular maintenance services to keep your landscape looking its best year-round.

Tree Trimming and Removal

Our team can help keep trees healthy and safe with expert trimming and removal services.

Irrigation System Installation

A well-designed irrigation system is crucial for maintaining a healthy and beautiful landscape. Our experienced team specializes in installation and design to ensure optimal watering for your plants while minimizing water waste. Using top-of-the-line products and the latest technology, we create efficient and effective irrigation systems. Whether you need a new system or an upgrade, we have the knowledge and skills to do it correctly.

Ready to Upgrade Your Landscape?

At Rosanio Landscaping, there are no limits to the beauty we can bring to your property. We’re here to inspire you with fresh, creative ideas for your landscape renovation project. Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule a consultation. Let’s bring your landscape vision to life!

One-Stop Shop for Residential and Commercial Landscaping