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painter man at work with a paint roller on the wall

Construction Services in San Diego County

At Rosanio Landscaping, we specialize in providing San Diego County homes and businesses with construction services tailored to our clients’ needs. As a family-owned business, we understand the importance of durability, aesthetics, and quality in every project. We take pride in transforming spaces and creating lasting impressions that reflect our client’s vision for their properties. Call us today to schedule a consultation and estimate.

Stamped Concrete Sidewalk at a modern home

Benefits of Professional Construction Services

Choosing to work with professional construction service providers comes with several benefits. For instance, we ensure that every project is executed to the highest standards, guaranteeing lasting solutions that add value to your property. Our team is made up of highly skilled professionals who are passionate about their work. We will guide you through the entire process, from the initial planning stages to the completion of the project. We are fluent in English and Spanish, making us an excellent choice for a diverse client base.

Discover Our Range of Exceptional Services

Our team is made up of highly skilled professionals who are passionate about their work. We will guide you through the entire process, from the initial planning stages to the completion of the project. We are fluent in English and Spanish, making us a great choice for a diverse client base. At Rosanio Landscaping, we offer a wide array of construction services, including:


We offer top-quality concrete services, from driveways to patios.


Our team can provide a flawless stucco finish for your home or business.


We specialize in all types of masonry, delivering a sturdy and attractive result.

Retaining Walls

Our retaining walls are designed to be functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Exterior & Interior Painting

Our painting services can give your property a fresh, updated look.


We provide durable and attractive fencing solutions.

Rain Gutter Repair

We can ensure your gutters function optimally to protect your property.

Power Washing Concrete & Roofs

Our power washing services can remove dirt and grime, restoring the beauty of your property.

Contact Rosanio Landscaping Today

Are you ready to transform your property with professional construction services? Contact Rosanio Landscaping now. Let us bring our expertise, passion, and commitment to your next project. We look forward to bringing beauty and functionality to your property in San Diego County.

One-Stop Shop for Residential and Commercial Landscaping